Interactive Lesson #17 – I Needed a New Foundation

Welcome Dear Friends,
As we bid farewell to 2024, my heart is filled with joy and gratitude for the incredible year
of learning and spiritual growth.
I hope that 2024 was equally as wonderful for you,
along with countless blessings and memories that you will treasure in your heart.
May 2025 be even more blessed

Galatians 3:28- “There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.

1 Peter 5:8 “Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour

These verses states that all believers in Christ, we are all one in Christ,
and that the enemy is constantly prowling and seeking to disrupt our bond from within.
Christians turn against one another as the enemy is attempting to dislodge, divide, and separate us
because he knows that we are stronger when we stand united.

I can interpret many reasons why God shook my life and allowed me to hit rock bottom.
Sometimes– trouble produces obedience.
He needed to disrupt my life and put me in a situation to where I was ready to do something,
He needed to produce obedience in me as I was pretty strong headed with wanting
to lead my own life. Christians are not called to lead their own life.

My oldest daughter’s first car did not have power steering and it happened to break down in the middle of the road.
She told her sister to get out and push the car so she could steer over to the side.
My daughter quickly learned that the steering wheel won’t turn when it is sitting still.
Once others came to help her sister push the car, then she was able to turn the wheel.
Sometimes we all need that little push from God so we can get that steering wheel to turn
in the right direction.
God needed to give me that push.
With me though, it was more like a me getting rear ended by a car going 50mph.
I needed that hard jolt to get me out of my self-serving life, drop that pride and ego
and now it it time to learn obedience and let God guide my life.

I had learned that I needed to grow strong in Jesus, not before Jesus

I now look at my life and this world in a whole different way, in a whole new light.
My biggest question is:
Why are followers of Jesus spending so much time tearing down the
Kingdom of God instead of us all coming together and building the Kingdom of God?
We are supposed to be the light of the world to bring others to help build His kingdom,
All I have known my whole life is how to tear down God’s kingdom by
judging, blaming, pointing fingers, talk negative about situation and others,
gossiping, complaining, not communicating, pulling the innocent into my personal issues,
assuming the worst in others,
Don’t get me wrong, I have also seen the good qualities nestled in my life but when it came to building the kingdom, I wasn’t much help.
I was taking one step forward and two steps back

1 Corinthians 3:11 states the no man can lay a foundation other than the one which is laid, which is
Jesus Christ

I needed a different foundation, I needed a whole new foundation
A new foundation is what I got though dedication of reading and studying
His word.
The foundation we build our life on is no one’s responsibility but our own.
How can I build a good strong foundation without the proper education?
I was living in a home being held in place by tape that keeps coming apart.
The perfect foundation that the enemy loves.
To build a strong foundation, we need understanding, the right knowledge and wisdom.

Proverbs 24:3-4-“By wisdom a house is built, and through understanding it is established;
through knowledge its rooms are filled with rare and beautiful treasures.”

Once I had my strong foundation in place, I desired more for my life.
I am just an ordinary person wanting to do something, anything.
I wanted God to use me as His vessel.
I want to help build His kingdom and He answered my prayers.
I am not a writer, I am not a teacher nor am I a leader- I never have been
It is exciting to see God build these skills in me and give me new gifts.
I am excited to see where He is taking me in the next chapter of my life.
The year 2024 was a significant period of spiritual growth.

God can use anyone to help build His kingdom no matter what our
knowledge level is. We just need to be ready and willing.
God can even use unbelievers to help build His kingdom, He will put them in our
path to help challenge us and strengthen us.
We are all part of His plan, we are all woven together.

Real progress begins when we are open to saying “Use me Lord, for my life is Yours”
True progress in building His kingdom starts- when everyone embraces the process.
When we embrace this journey, we begin to see the fruits of our efforts and the true progress of building His kingdom.

Serving God is the most amazing thing that I can do here on earth.
I am so blessed and enjoying that I can share
my life experiences with you along with His teachings.
I no longer want to be a one step forward and 2 steps backward Christian, where my fire would be lit then slowly start burning less.
I am now the child sitting at my desk in school, raising my hand…”pick me, pick me”
I have all this knowledge and ready to use it.
The flame within me is now burning hot.
“Use Me Lord”

It all starts when we each commit to this journey of building God’s kingdom together
not tearing down His kingdom.
As we transform and change ourselves first, it will naturally enrich our relationships and spread God’s word and His love more effectively.

With a sincere heart, I invite you to join me in building God’s kingdom up
by changing ourselves first.

Dear Heavenly Father
I raised my hand and You called on me, You gave me new gifts and
provided me with the tools I need to help build up Your kingdom.
I pray that though my life, through my own struggles and through my personal experiences
that the Holy Spirit touches other’s hearts and inspires them
and they no longer want to be a one step forward and 2 steps backward Christian.
I pray for softening of hearts so that we may all work together for Your glory.
I pray for those that they may step out of their comfort zone and raise
their hands saying- I am available Lord, use me.
I pray for hearts on fire and flames that burn bright.
In Jesus’ Name I Pray

I encourage you to join me today in changing ourselves first
so we can change the world around us


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