Domino Effect : Unraveling the Chain Reactions of Family Conflicts

Within the complex network of family relationships, disputes aren’t isolated incidents but rather interconnected events, triggering a cascade of consequences. From minor disagreements to profound rifts, each dispute sets off a chain reaction, impacting emotions and relationships

In today’s bible study of David’s life before he became king
King Saul’s jealousy towards David was ignited by David’s triumph over Goliath. This jealousy triggers Saul’s intent to kill David, a motive unknown to David himself.
As assumptions brewed in both Saul and David, a chain reaction starts setting off a series of events.

As for King Saul- his assumptions went from jealousy to bitterness, bitterness to anger,
anger to destruction and walked away from God

As for David- instead of trusting in God- he panicked and went on the run.
His panic turned to lying and that lie is going to come back and haunt him.
David’s lie cost the high priest and his family to be killed by King Saul.
Innocent people’s lives caught up in a chain reaction of events

After David learned of this, he then started walking in the lord again

Much insight can be learned from the story of Saul and David. Shedding light on its relevance to our personal lives and family conflicts. Not only do assumptions pave the path to destruction, but they also obstruct our walk with the Lord.
Saul’s assumption was that David was trying to take his throne, when all along, David was only being his faithful servant.
Relying on assumptions over communication, choosing silence over openness-only opens the door for Satan’s influence. Jumping to conclusions only complicates matters, serving satan’s agenda.

As for David’s actions-
choosing to run instead of seeking God’s guidance, resorting to lying instead of honesty
can result in innocent individuals becoming entangled in your chain of your sinful actions.
This only leads you away from your walk with the God.
When David fled to a cave, it was thought that at this time is when he wrote Psalms 34:4

Psalms 34:4
I sought the Lord, and He answered me, and delivered me from all my fears

The only thing required for you to fix your problems is to stop running and look up
Look up towards the Heavens and to God
This is exactly what David did. David restored his walk with God

Family disputes, are more than likely, not the fault of one person
A chain of actions that triggers a series of compounding actions within the family leads to a breakdown of communication. Lack of communication exacerbates misunderstandings and further fuels conflicts leading to emotional tolls consisting of betrayal, anger, sadness, or depression.
This chain of actions erodes trust within the family which can lead to a breakdown of the family structure.
Trust is essential for healthy relationships, and its loss can be devastating.

To initiate the healing process from family destruction, where do we begin?

The bible contains guidance and solutions to our inquiries.
Just as a car comes with an owner’s manual so do we.

Matthew 7:7
Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to yo

The Bible serves as our life’s instruction manual.
God patiently awaits our knocking on His door and our seeking Him.
He does not initiate the search for us

Personally, I find the Bible can sometimes be complicated, yet with the guidance of a knowledgeable teacher, in my case, Dr Randall Smith on YouTube, I’ve discovered significant insights through his distinctive interpretations of scripture.

During my journey, I came to the realization that I had been wearing blinders over my eyes, hindering my ability to fully see how my actions contributed to our family disputes.
A common scenario with many people
David gives some valuable insight

Psalms 36
Verse 1- Vindicate me, O LORD
vindicate means to judge.
David is asking God to looks at his heart and to tell him what He sees
Sometimes, people honestly don’t see or understand that they are doing wrong.

Verse 2- Examine me, O LORD, Try my mind and heart
Examine my mind and heart to understand my true intentions behind my actions.
Am I staying true to my heart, or am I motivated by spite

During my journey, I’ve also sought God’s guidance to show me my faults. True to His promise, during my morning Bible studies, He often unveils insights I never previously considered.
Removing the blinders from our eyes is a vital move towards family reconciliation.

However, what’s even more significant is the takeaway I got from today’s Bible lesson
about Saul and David is:

Real trouble isn’t found in people causing harm to one another
Real trouble is about you not trying to walk with God

Join me on my journey paved by God’s guidance – I invite you to join me and find inspiration in the remarkable ways God moves in our lives (